
Hi! I live in Iowa, love cats, books, and crafting with wool. In my spare time I enjoy hunting for vintage or primitive treasures! My decorating style tends towards primitives and cottage, but I occasionally see a Victorian pretty that I must have! I love surroundings that are soothing and comfortable. Gardens filled with perennials and hostas, and of course, cat nip are my favorites. All of these things inspire my creations. They are made with care and with a desire to bring a smile to your face. Most musings on my page will be about simple things and of course, my cats.  See my next post to find out about my moggies.


  1. Hi There, I've just come to visit from Cath's Pennies. Wishing you luck with your new blog.
    May I be your first follower? Looking forward to the journey.

  2. Me too, I'm here to cheer you on. You are off to a great start with that awesome looking kitty up there. I'll be back for your "ramblings" (is there a better word for what we do in Blogland? I don't think I'm sticking to that one, LOL!). Let the fun begin! B=)

  3. Welcome to blogland! I know that you'll find it a happy place to be. :) I love that wool cat up there.

  4. Hello ~ I see you are just starting your blog ~ Enjoy! I have enjoyed blogging so much!

    Blessings to you!


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