Well, now that I've managed to figure out how to upload pictures again, I wanted to share what I've been up to for the last several days! Here are some pictures of some great garage sale finds and some hand-crafted items I've just finished stitching up. They are all listed in my eBay store.

It's a beautiful day here in Iowa, too. Sunny, 62, and a nice breeze! Thankfully, we didn't get a freeze last night! The low was only 39! A bit chilly, but the plants survived! Hope its a lovely day where you are.


  1. Wow, it got down to 36 degrees in S. Oklahoma,
    last night! Love all your stuff!

    Bear Hugs~Karen

  2. I love those little baskets and you know I am huge fan of your kitty I want that one too..:) you do wonderful work..;)

  3. I am SO impressed!!! You found some great things and as always, your handmades are just fabulous. Hope you get big bucks for them - they're worth it. I love visiting your blog. You always have some new things and they're always grand.

  4. Your treasures are wonderful! What lovely work you do!



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