I Have a New Blog

Just a brief note today to let you all know that I have a new blog called Keep Calm and Fibro On. If you or any one you know deals with fibromyalgia, you might like to stop by.  I will be adding posts about meds, diet, stress, and helpful tips. If you like what you see then, please become a follower!


  1. Oh my Goodness! I am heading over their right now to take a look and become a Follower! I have Fibromyalgia. Thanks!!

    1. Glad to have you over there! Please feel free to add any helpful hints you might have too!

  2. I do know a fellow blog friend with fibro....I'm sending her the link now.... Thanks for sharing.... Hugs ~ Robin

    1. Just went there to copy the link for my friend, and it says the blog has been removed????

  3. Obviously, I can't spell or type! Made a mistake in the html code when I posted this. The correct blog address is: http://fightingfibrodaybyday.blogspot.com/

    Thanks for your interest! Hope to see you there!

  4. Dear All,
    I am currently have difficulty with this blog page. As soon I resolve the issues, I will let you all know. Thanks for understanding.

  5. My mother suffers from this. I will pass on the blog:) Thanks -Steph-


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