Nice Sunday Drive But Have a Sick Kitty

I hope you all had a very lovely weekend. Hubby and I decided on Sunday to go for a drive since life always gets hectic in the spring with full time jobs and his "other" job of planting 120 acres of corn and beans (which means I don't get to see him very much since our farm is about 1 hour from our house). I would have actually taken some pictures if I had remembered to charge the battery in my camera before we left. We took a favorite drive up to NE Iowa to a little place called MacGregor (if your interested in its history click this link - Its a quaint little town along the Mississippi and has a few good places to eat, beautiful scenery and lovely antique shops. It gave us a chance to reconnect and talk about our retirement plans which seem to be changing (at least where we want to live after we retire from our jobs and leave Iowa City). We had a fun and relaxing day but didn't come home with any great antique finds (maybe we weren't in the mood).

Also, this weekend our 8 year old black kitty, Kezzie, came down with a acute attack of FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease) which required a trip to the local emergency vet's. They were able to remove the blockage and flush his bladder. He is on antibiotics and pain killers and seems to be tolerating things okay, but I think me may have another blockage forming so he may have to go back to the vet's tomorrow --- keep some happy thoughts for Kezzie will you! For more information on FLUTD click on this link -

Hope you all have a fun filled day crafting!


  1. I am sorry to hear about your Kitty..we had this happen to ours and it took us 3 days to figure it out..caught it in time and it only happened the one time..put him on food that was good for his urinary etc...I hope your baby is feeling better soon.;)

  2. I also hope your kitty gets well! One of my favorite cats got that when I was a is so upsetting. I am still working on pattern tips....I have been busy with a show and another show coming soon as well.

  3. Prayers and good thoughts for Kezzie. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Glad you were able to get out and do a little traveling even if you didn't find any treaures. Time with your hubby was a treasure though.

  4. oh my, so sorry to hear your kitty is sick. Thoughts and prayers for him to feel better and heal quickly.
    Interesting little town you visited. We enjoy trips like that too.
    I received my beautiful little pillow from you. It is perfect. I love it! The tags you also sent are absolutely wonderful. What a fun package to open :-) Thank you!

  5. Oh I am so sorry about Kezzie. Sending you hugs and prayers for a fast recovery. We are neighbors! I'm in the Quad Cities! Just last fall we drove up to La Crosse, WI to see the fall leaves and on the way back home we stopped in MacGregor to have breakfast. Did you happen to go in the primitive shop called Navy Rose & Co.? It was a tiny little place. We stopped in all the antique shops too and didin't get anything either. You have to drive up there in the fall, just gorgeous!


  6. What a lovely little getaway for you and hubby, farming is very demanding, lots to do. Sure hope your kitty gets to feeling better.


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