Harvest Your Style

I will say that August has been a challenge! As in ... not time to get all the things done I need to! But I thought that I would take some time out to say "Hi!" and share this picture trail from Country Sample Magazine.  These are pictures and ideas of using antiques/primitives in your autumn decor! They are great ... wish I could use them all.

Take care and have a lovely August day.


Adorable Giveaway at Salmon Falls Prims!

Hurry on over and visit Salmon Falls Prims and take a look at all of Sara's wonderful creations.  Her Etsy Store is full of delightful prims! And don't forget to sign up for her AUGUST GIVEAWAY which ends on the 23rd.  Thanks, Sara, for getting us in the Harvest spirit!

More Rain and an Autumn Crow

I just wanted to pass along, this sweet pattern I cam across at Quilted Crow. It is part of a series of quilt blocks, but I thought it would make a cute pincushin or cubbie pillow.  I may have to order this one myself! And if you live in Massechusetts and you order this weekend, your order will be TAX FREE!

We also had another rain storm last evening! So far this month, we have received a much needed 2.4 inches of rain!!!! I will have to mow the lawn this weekend! 

Hope you all get rain, if you need it! May you have a kitty smile kind of day, too.

A Little Halloween Stitchery Finished

Just a short post today to share one of my finishes! I love making things for Autumn and the pattern for this little Hallows Eve pinkeep is from Primitive Bettys.  I backed it with some re-purposed wool.  Can't wait to add it to my Halloween decorating this year!

Had a little insomnia early this morning and so I was awake to see this spectacular sunrise! We also got some rain out of this "red sky at dawning"!  Have a wonderful day full of kitty kisses!

I Have a New Blog (Re-D0) or Having a Fibromyagical Kind of Day!

Well, I could blame it on "fibro fog" but the simple truth is I don't like to read directions! So, as a result I ended up really messing up my fibromyalgia blog site! So, if you're not too frustrated with me and want to join this new blog of mine, Keep Calm and Fibro On .  I will be putting up a new post there soon about sleep problems/solutions and fibro.  Hope to see you fellow fighters over there.

A Little bit of "Cat Speak"

I really liked this email I got from  Farmers Alamanac today and since many of you are fellow cats lovers, I thought  I’d pass some of this advice on to you!

·       If my ears are hard forward, I’m alert, interested, ready to move (maybe even jump, pounce or run).
·       If my ears are forward but relaxed, I am also relaxed, aware of my surroundings but not alarmed.
·       When my ears are slightly down and to the side, I am very relaxed and happy. I may be even purring.
·       Beware if my ears are back but not flat, I am agitated, threatened, may jump or run away.
·       Uh oh! Caution … if my ears are flat back on my head, I am very angry, threatened, and/or frightened.

·       If my tail is high, relaxed, and waving means I’m relaxed, happy, and confident.
·       If my tail is trailing behind my body but not held low, I’m relaxed but alert.
·       My tail will be held low if I’m being cautious. I may be looking for a safe place, especially if my body is also held low to the ground.
·       Tail bristled (danger, danger, danger, Will Robinson!), I’m not in a good mood and am fearful or aggressive.

·      If I look like a little meat loaf (with my body relaxed, soft, feet tucked under or kneading), I am in “pet-topia” (I am very relaxed).
·       When I roll on my back, I feel very relaxed and trusting. I only do this when I am absolutely confident of safety. I may also be asking you to play or rub my stomach.
·       If my back is arched, I’m on my toes, standing sideways---I am fearful and may fight, but will probably run.
·       However, if my back is arched, and I’m standing face-on---I’m feeling aggressive and will almost certainly fight.

·       If my whiskers are hard forward, I am alert, interested, perhaps see a threat, prey, or food.
·       When my whiskers are back, I am calm, relaxed.
·       When I’m bristling my whiskers, I’m feeling afraid or aggressive!

Tune in tomorrow for a few more “cat-speak” tips!

Rain, Glorius, Rain

Yes! We had rain!!!! On Saturday, we had an "old" time thunderstorm that dumped almost 2" of rain on us.  It was wonderful.  I was at the Amana Colonies with my daughter and grandson when it started to rain. We were having lunch and everyone was going over to the windows and doorway to look at the rain like we had never seen rain before.  It has cooled things off and Sunday was a heavenly day (literally!) and today isn't looking to bad either.

I did finish a little Halloween ornie (will post a photo soon) and have started working on my August Giveaway.  Have been a little slow this month so far doing stitchery because I'm am having a bit of a fibro challenge.  Thankfully, my episodes only last a few weeks or so before the symptoms ease up and I'm make to my "normal."

My moggies were in Petopia last night because I left the door to the screened porch open all night and they could go in and out, in and out, in and out .......!

Hope your week is starting out fantastic! Hugs, Cat Haven Craft House

I Have a New Blog

Just a brief note today to let you all know that I have a new blog called Keep Calm and Fibro On. If you or any one you know deals with fibromyalgia, you might like to stop by.  I will be adding posts about meds, diet, stress, and helpful tips. If you like what you see then, please become a follower!

Seed Giveaway and 9 Lives!

Goodness where does the time go!!! I have been so busy lately.  Just stopping by to let you know about the Farmers Almanac Seed Giveaway (see sidebar) and to remind you to stop by often to check out the giveaways I post on my sidebar ... I always try to have some new ones for you to sign up for each week!

Also, I wanted to share this little cartoon! So true!

Winner of the Mystery Giveaway!

Good morning to you all! I am excited to announce the winner of my giveaway -- congrats to Becky at Primitives n Stitchin.  Here is what she won: a red work kitchen towel I embroidered while on vacation; a wool strawberry pincushion (also hand sewn by me); a little kitty magent; some blueberry tea; and cream of wil rice soup mix. Just a little busy this morning, so I'll sign off for now. FYI, I will be having a little stitchery give away in August (hint: it will have kitties on it!).

A Giveaway and a Sweet FREEBIE Cross Stitch Pattern

First of all, the giveaway! Because I will be enjoying a week up north (northern Minnesota/Lake Superior) that I look forward to all year, I am having a giveaway! What it will be I don't know yet because it all depends on what I find on my vacation travels. It could be something I stitch up, maybe a little antique I find, or a sweet vintage item, or possibly a prim pattern. I don't know yet ... but I'm sure you will like it!  These are the requirements for the giveaway: (1) you must be a follower of my blog; (2) you must leave a comment on this post; (3) for another chance at winning, you can post about my giveaway on your side bar or blog post; and (4) for another chance, share a crafting tip! Good luck to all and I'll see you (well, your blogs!) in about a week.

I also wanted to pass along a sweet, cross-stitch freebie that I think all you sewing sisters will like. Its from a wonderful blog I just found called The Primitive Hare. The pattern is called "Sister Stitcher" and you can download it HERE.  I think it would make a lovely present to someone close to your heart that is also a stitcher! The contest ends on July 20th with the winner announced on July 23rd.

Well, I'm off to get the vacation in gear! Hope you all have a fantastic week too and pamper your kitties with a few tasty treats!


I know all you sweet ladies and gents out there have big hearts so I'm asking you to keep the people and firefighters and law enforcement in Colorado in your prayers.  The fires are being banked by strong winds.  They need rain (and so do the farmers here in the midwest).  Thanks! I know our prayers can make a difference.

Unexpected Yard Sale Finds: Firkin, Potato Bin, Cut-Glass Cruets

Last Saturday, my daughter stopped by with Henry and "convinced" me to go yard saling with her.  My first find was a little firkin for cheap that I am going to try my hand at "making over" with the techniques found in A Primitive Place magazine. I will post about it when I've gotten it done.

Next we stopped by at an estate sale! To see what Molly bought, visit her blog at Molly Makes Do.  There were so many wonderful antiques and prims there, I didn't know what to look at first.  I did purchase this sweet, old, oak potato bin.

 Here is a picture of it next to my hoosier cabinet that my hubby restored (it was originally from his family but was in the barn in pieces when he started re-doing it). My daughter said it looks like they were always meant to be together!

I also purchased the little, oak, Bible box (complete with Bible from the early 1800's) that is sitting on top of the bin.

The last two items I bought were a little cut-glass deviled egg plate (yep, 30 years of marriage and I never had one - up until now just watched those little devils slide across the plates) and a cut-glass cruet set.  It is not very ornate and that's just how I like it.  It has 4 cruets: salt, pepper, vinegar, and one that I put sugar in, but I am wondering if it is for mustard? Any one have any ideas?

Of course, there has to be a "cat" thingy in all this ... notice the kitty treats jar? I found that at a local consignment store recently!  Well, that is my show and tell today.  Hope you all have a great stitching and kitty hugging day!

My First Hooked Rug

I actually did some crafting while I've been away.  I have been trying my hand at rug hooking.  A few years ago I purchased a hooking frame and other accessories and they had been sitting around.  Well, I wanted to craft around little Henry, but I didn't want to worry about losing pins and needles when hand sewing, so I thought I could make up a simple hooked rug pattern and try out my talents as a hooker (LOL).  The pattern I came up with was inspired by a hooked rug I saw somewhere based on one of the verses from "Simple Gifts" (tis a gift to be simple). I thought that was pretty neat and decided I'd like one that said "tis a gift to be free."  So here it is, my first attempt at rug hooking!

It really was a make-do kind of project as I used wool that I already had in stash from my wool kitty projects and penny rugs.  I learned a few things (especially what not to do) and made another one very similar to it and just a tad bigger for my mom's birthday.

Here it is hanging on my Americana wall.  I am thinking of making another one for the local American Legion's (I'm an auxillary member) auction this fall.  We use the money raised to send community teens to summer camp.

I have another hooked rug project I'm currently working on -- wanted to get it done this spring but the gardening took over! It will be a nice thing to work on when hubby and I go on vacation up north in a few days!

As far as my cats go, they LOVE playing with the wool strips whenever I'm  not looking.  Here are Louie and Oscar looking very innocent and lazy basking in the breeze on the screened in porch. What a life ... they are always on vacation!  Well, I wish you all a lovely weekend full of fun times and quality stitching.

Robin's Chick Named Elvis

I really had no plans to post today for many reasons but mainly because I can't find my SD card for my camera! But I was reading Robin's blog (The Cranky Crow) about a chick named Elvis and found out she had won a subscription to a magazine called "FOLK". I was intrigued with the magazine's name, so I though I would check it out. 

I really liked what I saw and joined their blog and ordered a magazine to see what "Folk" is all about.  If you want to read about real American life (their motto) then pick up this magazine.  Here' what they say about it - 'Devoted to presenting a fresh and youthful interpretation of simple country lifestyles.We are all about REAL AMERICAN LIVING: the country, sweet tea, indie music, antiques, road trips, small towns, comfort, home, artists, locally grown and locally made, supporting small businesses and main streets, one-of-a-kind art, open spaces, photography, patriotism, simple living.... and the little things.' Sounds great, doesn't it?! Thanks again, Robin for posting about this! I'm excited to receive my first magazine.

So, Happy Friday, friends! Sending best regards and leaving you with a little more cat humor for the day.

Cat Laughs for the Day!

I was browsing the new books lists of one of my book clubs and couldn'ts resist ordering this book - "I Could Pee on This: And Other Poems by Cats"! It will be available August 15, 2012. The book is by the author of comic strip Sally Forth. The poems are written from the view point of cats -  with titles like "Who Is That on Your Lap?," "This Is My Chair," "Kneel Before Me," "Nudge," and "Some of My Best Friends Are Dogs" It will have photos of the cat authors throughout! I think my cats will love to have them poems read to them. I'm lovin' this photo below too! Hope these make you smile today!

An "Uh-Oh" Morning

Good Morning! It's sure starting out to be a hot one here in NE Iowa! But I get to spend the day in the air conditioning at work, so I'm greatful.  Later today, I'll join little Henry and his mom at swim lessons.  Some days though you can't win, this morning started out by discovering that hubby's cell phone wound up in the wash.  Now I am waiting to hear if it can be resurrected with a new battery. HOPE SO! There's no cell phone insurance on it (of course) so either he does without until December or we buy a new one at cost (very sad face).

On a happier note, I just wanted to pass along that you can pre-order the 2012 Country Sampler Home Tour Edition now.  This edition is not available through your regular subscription.  This special edition includes 12 never-before-seen homes featuring styles from primitive and Colonial to cottage and farmhouse. I really like this edition and look forward to browsing through it every year. Click Here if you would like to order it.

Hope you day started out better than mine! Make sure to provide plenty of shade and water to any of your outdoor kitties today, too.

Hello, Again, Hello

Well, nothing like taking a 6 month vacation! But I'm back and can't wait to get caught up on all your blogs out there! Here is the number 1 reason I've been away.

This, of course, is Henry (at 16 months) enjoying some watermelon. I have been busy enjoying life with this little guy (he only lives 1/2 block away from grandma!). I have done some wool crafting (more on that in another post), but I have mainly been "green" crafting.  I've done a lot of container plants (both pots and barrels). Here are a few pictures to enjoy!
 Starting a strawberry patch.  Next year, though, I have to put a cover over the fence because the birds find these very yummy!
 Last year I planted a black raspberry bush and this year - my first crop!
 Some of my garden herbs: I've planted dill, parsley, cilantro, sage, basil, and rosemary.
 The grape tomatoes are coming along nicely. I can't wait for the first ripe ones!
A barrel full of cucs and yellow beans and grown-from-seed marigolds.
And a barrel full of carrots and a few indian corn stalks.

My daughter and I have also bought a CSA (community supported agriculture) share this year and here is our first box of veggies! We've got brocolli, radishes, lettuce, kholrabi, and kale.  The kale will be used this weekend to make kholrabi and cabbage coleslaw (recipe follows) and tonight we will try our hand at making kale chips!
This share also included some green onions (a bit bigger than the store bought kind!). That's Henry playing with some wooden refrigerator magnets that I made him the other day.

The kitties are doing fine.  Here is Oscar lounging around!

Well, I have much more to say but it can wait for another day.  Enjoy your morning and weekend and Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there (the world needs more of them).  Here are the recipes I mentioned before:

Kohlrabi Slaw
2 cups chopped cabbage
4 kohlrabi bulbs, peeled and grated
2 stalks celery, sliced thin
2 carrots, sliced thin
2 tablespoons minced fresh onion
1/3 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/8 teaspoon celery seed
1/2 cup mayonnaise
4 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

Toss the cabbage, kohlrabi, celery, carrot, and onion together in a large bowl. Whisk the sugar, salt, pepper, celery seed, mayonnaise, and vinegar together in a separate bowl until smooth; pour over the cabbage mixture and stir to coat evenly. Chill in refrigerator 1 hour before serving. Recipe courtesy of Bass Farms (http://bassfarms.blogspot.com/).

Kale Chips
1 bunch kale
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, divided
1 tablespoon sherry vinegar
1 pinch sea salt, to taste
Preheat an oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
Cut away inner ribs from each kale leaf and discard; tear the leaves into pieces of uniform size. (I made my pieces about the size of a small potato chip.) Wash torn kale pieces and spin dry in a salad spinner or dry with paper towels until they're very dry. Put the kale pieces into a large resealable bag (or use a bowl if you don't mind getting your hands oily). Add about half the olive oil; seal and squeeze the bag so the oil gets distributed evenly on the kale pieces. Add the remaining oil and squeeze the bag more, until all kale pieces are evenly coated with oil and slightly 'massaged.' Sprinkle the vinegar over the kale leaves, reseal the bag, and shake to spread the vinegar evenly over the leaves. Spread the leaves evenly onto a baking sheet. Roast in the preheated oven until mostly crisp, about 35 minutes. Season with salt and serve immediately. Recipe courtesy of Bass Farms (http://bassfarms.blogspot.com/).

Have a great day and don't forget to hug your kitties and your grandkids today!